Music Composer, Songwriter, and Producer for the casual and serious listeners.


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When singing melodic ideas, it is uncommon for most music enthusiasts to get familiar with note names, C D E and such, since we will eventually face the problem of requiring to sing a two-syllable note name (C Sharp or G Flat) under one note. What is more doable (pun intended) is to use a solfège or a solmization system to have a single syllable assigned to each note.

There are seven syllables in any solfège system, just as there are seven pitch classes, and they are: DoReMiFaSolLa, and Ti. Before I move on, let me explain the little global inconsistency regarding the name Ti for the 7th degree. In countries such as France, China, Japan, and perhaps Australia, the consensus is to call this degree Si. Since Si is the original syllable of this scale degree , this is not a right or wrong question. The choice is made based on efficiency. When we use Tiinstead, each of the seven syllables start with a different letter, which not only makes it easier to distinguish, but also possible for chromatic alternations and modulations. Thus to be more musically expressive, it is advised to stick to using Ti as the seventh syllable of your solfège.

There are several universal method of solfège system, you can wiki them up if you are interested. For our purpose, we are using a system called movable do, explained below.

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